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1965 - 1969


Department Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven/USA


Schulz, G.E. & Creighton, T.E. (1969). Preliminary X-ray diffraction study of the wild-type and a mutationally altered tryptophan synthetase alpha-subunit. Eur. J. Biochem. 10, 195-197.

Physikalisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg


Leutz, H., Schulz, G. & van Gelderen, L. (1967). A reply to a criticism. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 46, 357-358.

Schulz, G. (1967). Electron capture intensities in the decay of 133Ba. Zeitschr. f. Physik 203, 289-295.

Schulz, G. (1967). Electron capture ratios in the decay of 83Rb, 84Rb, 131Cs and 185Os. Nuclear Physics A101, 177-186.

Schulz, G. (1967). On the solution of radioactive sources in NaI(Tl)-crystals. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 53, 320-324.

Schulz, G. & Ziegler, K. (1967). Electron capture ratios in the decay of 105Ag. Nuclear Physics A104, 692-696.

Schulz, G. & Breiter, G. (1967). Influence of lead impurity on the scintillation performance of NaI(Tl)-crystals. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 56, 179-180.

Breiter, G. & Schulz, G. (1967). CsI(Na) scintillation crystals. Physics Lett. A24, 331.


Leutz, H. & Schulz, G. (1966). The oscillator strength of the 4.23 eV absorption band in NaI(Tl)-crystals. Zeitschr. f. Physik 192, 299-304.

Leutz, H., Schulz, G. & Wenninger, H. (1966). Electron capture ratios in the decay of 202Tl. Nuclear Physics 75, 81-100.

Willis, B., Schulz, G. & Leutz, H. (1966). Computer simulated track pictures from big bubble chambers. CERN-report TC/BEBC 66-19.

Birchler, F., ...Schulz, G. ...a total of 30 authors (1966). Report on the design study of a large hydrogen bubble chamber for the CERN proton synchrotron. CERN-report TC/BEBC 66-73.

Leutz, H., Schulz, G. & van Gelderen, L. (1966). Peak/total-ratios for NaI(T1)-crystals. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 40, 257-260.


Leutz, H., Schulz, G. & Wenninger, H. (1965). The decay of potassium-40. Zeitschr. f. Physik 187, 151-164.

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